Kaycee Level II
In anticipation of the Town of Kaycee’s need for significant upgrades in water storage capacity and operational efficiency, WESTON was selected by the WWDC to conduct a Level II feasibility study to determine the best alternatives for rehabilitating and expanding the Kaycee water supply system. The scope of work for the project included evaluation of the existing Kaycee wells and the pipeline and storage system. The scope also included a well siting study to identify a location for a new Paleozoic Aquifer well. Based on the results of the well evaluation it was determined that the existing wells were sufficient to meet Kaycee’s current and future needs following implementation of WESTON’s recommendations. The conceptual design for the pipeline and storage tank portions of the project was conducted by WESTON’s subconsultant, CEPI, Inc. The water storage and distribution components of the project are currently being pursued under a Level III study.
WELL SITING STUDY WESTON conducted a well siting study to identify a location for a new Paleozoic Aquifer exploration well if it was determined that a new water supply source would be necessary. A total of seven proposed locations were identified in the well siting study. SOURCE SUPPLY EVALUATION Although the original scope for the source supply evaluation included testing and evaluation of the Town’s existing well records, performance information generated during previous studies, and evaluation of the condition and efficiency of Kaycee Well No. 2, the Scope was later amended to include Kaycee Well No. 1 in the performance evaluation. In addition WESTON was scoped to conduct a video log of both wells in order to observe the downhole condition of the wells. The work was conducted by WESTON contractors of Upton, Wyoming with engineering and geologic oversight by WESTON’s Laramie office personnel during the period of November 3-10, 2005. Results of the evaluation yielded recommendations for improvements to the wells, some of which were made at the time WESTON conducted the well evaluations. The study determined that implementation of the recommended improvements will provide the needed source supply to the Town of Kaycee for the foreseeable future. |